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New QLD Rent Increase Laws: What to Know

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Sunstate advises the changes to rental increase laws

New QLD Rent Increase Laws: What to Know

In an important move to address the housing crisis, the Queensland Government has implemented new laws to limit rent increases. This change, effective from July 1, 2023, is a significant step towards providing more security and affordability for renters across the state.

Key Changes in the Law

The primary change introduced by these new laws is that rental properties can now only have their rent increased once every 12 months. This is a shift from the previous regulation which allowed for more frequent increases. This legislative change is aimed at providing more stability for tenants and addressing the growing issue of rental affordability in Queensland.

Implications for Renters and Landlords

For renters, this law brings much-needed relief by ensuring that rent increases are more predictable and less frequent. This change is designed to help tenants manage their finances better and reduce the stress associated with unexpected rent hikes.

For landlords, it is crucial to be aware of these changes to ensure compliance with the new regulations. This means planning rent reviews accordingly and providing tenants with appropriate notice for any rent increases.

Government’s Commitment to Housing Security

Queensland Premier has highlighted the importance of these changes in providing housing security for renters. The new laws are part of the government’s broader strategy to address the housing crisis and ensure that everyone has access to affordable housing. This initiative is also supported by other measures, including the expansion of emergency housing and rental assistance programs.

Support for Vulnerable Tenants

In addition to limiting rent increases, the Queensland Government is expanding support for vulnerable tenants. This includes increasing emergency housing and rental grants, as well as providing additional resources for tenants facing financial hardship. These measures aim to provide a safety net for those most affected by the housing crisis.

Looking Ahead

The introduction of these new laws marks a significant step forward in addressing rental affordability and housing security in Queensland. As these changes take effect, both tenants and landlords will need to adapt to the new regulations. The government’s ongoing commitment to housing security and affordability will continue to shape the rental market in the coming years.

How Sunstate Conveyancing Can Help

At Sunstate Conveyancing, we understand the importance of staying informed about the latest legal changes that impact property transactions and rentals. Our team is here to assist both landlords and tenants in navigating these new regulations. Whether you need advice on complying with the new rent increase laws or assistance with any property-related matters, we are here to help.

Contact Us

For more information on how the new rent increase laws may affect you or to discuss any conveyancing needs, contact Sunstate Conveyancing today. Our experienced team is dedicated to providing you with expert guidance and support in all your property transactions.


1. What is the new rent increase law in Queensland? The new law limits rent increases to once every 12 months, providing more stability for tenants.

2. When did the new rent increase law come into effect? The law came into effect on July 1, 2023.

3. How does this law benefit renters? It helps renters by making rent increases more predictable and less frequent, aiding in better financial planning.

4. What do landlords need to do under the new law? Landlords need to ensure that they plan rent reviews accordingly and provide tenants with appropriate notice for any rent increases.

5. What other measures is the Queensland Government taking to address the housing crisis? The government is expanding emergency housing, rental grants, and support for vulnerable tenants.

6. How can Sunstate Conveyancing help with these changes? Sunstate Conveyancing can provide advice and assistance to both landlords and tenants in navigating the new regulations.

7. Why is this change important for housing security? It provides more stability and predictability for renters, contributing to overall housing security.

8. Are there any penalties for landlords who do not comply with the new law? Landlords who do not comply with the new regulations may face legal penalties and fines.

9. Can tenants challenge unlawful rent increases? Yes, tenants can challenge rent increases that do not comply with the new law through appropriate legal channels.

10. How can I contact Sunstate Conveyancing for assistance? You can contact Sunstate Conveyancing through our website or by calling our office for expert guidance on property-related matters.


This is general advice only, for specific legal advice speak with your legal representative.

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