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Breach of Contract in QLD: Remedies & Claims

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Sunstate explains what a breach of contract is

Breach of Contract in QLD: Remedies & Claims

If you’re dealing with property transactions in Queensland, it’s crucial to have a solid grasp of the legal concept known as “breach of contract.” This article will guide you through the key aspects of breach of contract in QLD property law, covering its meaning, available remedies, limitation periods, damages, and the process of making a claim.

In the realm of property transactions in Queensland, contracts form the backbone of any deal. These legally binding agreements outline the rights and obligations of parties involved. However, situations can arise where one party fails to fulfill their obligations as stated in the contract. This is where the concept of “breach of contract” comes into play.

What is Breach of Contract?

Breach of contract refers to a situation where one party fails to perform its agreed-upon obligations without a lawful excuse. In the context of QLD property law, this can encompass various scenarios, such as a buyer failing to provide the agreed payment or a seller failing to transfer the property’s title.

Types of Breach

Material Breach

A material breach is a significant violation of contract terms that goes to the core of the agreement. It substantially denies the innocent party the benefits they were supposed to receive.

Minor Breach

Also known as a partial breach, a minor breach involves a less significant failure to perform contractual obligations. While it doesn’t completely thwart the purpose of the contract, the innocent party can still seek remedies.

Anticipatory Breach

An anticipatory breach occurs when one party announces its intention to breach the contract before the actual performance is due. This gives the innocent party the right to seek remedies immediately.

Remedies for Breach of Contract

Specific Performance

Specific performance is a remedy where the court orders the breaching party to fulfill their contractual obligations as agreed. This is often sought when monetary compensation wouldn’t suffice, such as in unique property transactions.


Damages involve the payment of compensation to the innocent party to cover their losses resulting from the breach. This can include both compensatory and consequential damages, which account for direct losses and foreseeable damages respectively.


Rescission nullifies the contract, returning both parties to their pre-contractual positions. This is applicable when the breach is substantial and the innocent party no longer wishes to proceed with the agreement.

Limitation Period for Breach of Contract

In Queensland, the Limitation of Actions Act sets time limits within which legal actions must be initiated. For breach of contract cases, the limitation period is typically six years from the date of the breach.

Calculating Damages

Compensatory Damages

Compensatory damages aim to restore the innocent party to the position they would have been in had the breach not occurred. This can include direct financial losses and costs incurred.

Consequential Damages

Consequential damages cover indirect losses that result from the breach, such as lost profits or opportunities. However, these damages must have been foreseeable at the time of contract formation.

Making a Breach of Contract Claim

Negotiation and Mediation

Before resorting to legal proceedings, parties are encouraged to engage in negotiation and mediation. This can lead to amicable resolutions without the time and cost of going to court.

Initiating Legal Proceedings

If negotiations fail, the innocent party can initiate legal proceedings. This involves filing a statement of claim outlining the breach and the sought remedies.

Role of Legal Professionals

Seeking legal advice is crucial when dealing with breach of contract cases. Legal professionals provide guidance on the best course of action based on the circumstances.

Importance of Written Contracts

Having written contracts is essential in proving the existence and terms of an agreement. Clear and comprehensive contracts can help prevent disputes and simplify the resolution process.

Preventing Breach of Contract

To minimize the risk of breach, parties should ensure that contract terms are clear, feasible, and accurately reflect their intentions. Regular communication and collaboration also play a pivotal role.

Case Examples

Case A: Failure to Complete Property Transfer

In this case, the buyer fails to complete the property transfer as agreed. The seller can seek remedies such as specific performance or damages to cover their losses.

Case B: Defective Property Title

If the seller provides a defective property title, they have breached the contract. The buyer can pursue remedies like rescission and consequential damages to address this breach.

Navigating breach of contract issues in QLD property law requires a comprehensive understanding of the legal framework. By grasping the meaning of breach of contract, available remedies, limitation periods, and the process of making a claim, individuals can protect their rights and interests in property transactions.


What is the first step to take when a breach of contract is suspected?

If you suspect a breach of contract, the first step is to review the contract terms and communicate your concerns with the other party. Open dialogue can often lead to resolution. Speak immeadiately with your Solicitor or Conveyancer to obtain accurate legal advice specific to your situation.

Is it always necessary to go to court to resolve a breach of contract?

No, court should be a last resort. Negotiation, mediation, and alternative dispute resolution methods are recommended to save time and costs.

Can I claim both compensatory and consequential damages?

Yes, you can claim both if they are applicable to your case. Compensatory damages cover direct losses, while consequential damages cover indirect losses.

How long do I have to file a breach of contract claim in Queensland?

The limitation period for breach of contract claims in Queensland is typically six years from the date of the breach.

What factors contribute to a successful breach of contract claim?

A successful claim requires proving the existence of a valid contract, the breach, and the resulting damages. Having clear evidence and legal representation enhances your chances of success.

This is general advice only, for specific legal advice speak with your expert legal representative.


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